Train With Me

Train With Me

Welcome To My Training Life Blog



July 16, 2021

Hello, my name is Diana.

I live in California where the sun shines most of the year.

Physical activity is high here. On any given day you can see people on bikes, walking, running, kids playing, softball and basketball games in full swing, and people with their gym bags on their way or coming from the gym. - I am one of those people.

I am also a woman of a certain age – over 50, well, I'll be honest, over 60.

Although I am active in many things, my personal choice is weight training. This is a passion for me. I don’t think of it as something I have to do to try to look good or to lose weight. It is a lifestyle choice, a sport and an art form for me.

I am not telling people how to train or what they should do. I was inspired to document my training adventures and share some stories. This is more of a life story and what fitness and training have meant to me.

Perhaps I can provide some benefit to others in their training life and maybe inspire others.

On this blog I will provide links to some of my favorite professional videos, industry articles and materials as well as personal blog posts written by me. I hope to include some training and fitness articles written by friends and others who would like to share their experiences and expertise.

As many of you have done, I worked hard all my life and had to overcome many obstacles both physically, personally, emotionally and sometimes financially.

I have gotten to a place in my life now where I am thinking of changing things up. I retired just 1 month ago after over 35 years in industry and teaching.

It almost seems like years ago now because I can’t go back. I can only think of today and the future.

I would like to simplify my life. I want to downsize and get rid of “stuff”. I want to focus more on the people and things I love and care about. I dream of having a little condo or bungalow near a beach so I can walk on the sand every morning.

I also believe this change will help me continue to keep active in my training and fitness. I won’t have those old obstacles or expenses to worry about.

I realize now that I don’t need all the physical things that use to weigh me down. I hope I can sell my house, get rid of rooms of furniture and a garage full of stuff I never use. Note - I am keeping my workout bench and weights!

I want to reach out to others who might want inspiration and hope, network with others who value the training and fitness life, to people wanting start or return to a training life, and people who might be facing cancer challenges.

I know there have been many times in my life I needed inspiration and hope, so, if I can give back in some way, I would be grateful.

I want to keep my blog going throughout my journey, focusing on the benefits of training and working out into the “sunset” years.

I am not sure where my little dog and I will end up but I am hopeful it will all be good…